Thursday, November 12, 2009

Check Back Soon!

Although we haven’t posted any updates for while now, some of you may have noticed additions to the gallery. Rest assured, we’ve both been busy and new pockets have been planted since last we wrote. However, updates will probably continue to be sparse for at least the next several weeks, if not longer. I’m hoping to have more time to devote to the blog again by late December.

The planting season for the year in Toronto is essentially over for us because of the cold weather. In fact, we decided bring inside plants we put out on Harbord to save them from the frost. It was fantastic to see that this wall lasted for well over a month before we relocated the plants. They even survived through Nuit Blanche.

Again we remain busy putting other work out around the city, both individually and in collaboration, so keep an eye out.

- sean


  1. Hiya,
    What is Nuit Blanche?

  2. Nuit Blanche is a massive annual Fall art event here in Toronto. Installations and performances take place all night long around the city. The concept was borrowed from Paris and attracts huge crowds. It also attracts heavy drinking, and groups of rowdy and intoxicated revelers roam the streets until sunrise.

    We put our plants up on the Harbord wall well before Nuit Blanche, and it wasn't made specifically for the event, but we were happy to see that the pockets survived through that busy night.

    - sean

  3. Hey Sean, enjoyed the show at the propeller.
    Alison B

  4. Its superb. All the Posters sticked over there is very cool.

  5. Cool thing you're doing- I posted a challenge on my blog and would be honored to have you guys write a guest post on your wall poster gardens. My email is

  6. Je vais parler de vous sur notre site :

    Au plaisir,

  7. Hi eric and Sean,
    Do you guys have an email address? I am interested in interviewing you for a project I am involved with called STEPS (Sustainable Thinking and Expressions on Public Space) regarding the work you are doing to re:frame or challenge the use of public space. If you could send me an email or write me back somehow that would be great.

  8. I hope I'd be able to witness Nuit Blanche. I've visited Toronto once, when we conducted a survey regarding employment posters. I'm disappointed that it was not the season for Nuit Blanche!
